Results on social media and PPC built on data and feeling

As a social media and PPC advertising specialist I will increase profit and awareness of your digital projects.

Jako specialista na sociální sítě a reklamu v PPC systémech zvýším zisky a obraty vašich projektů. Také umím navrhnout, jaký mediální kanál je pro vás nejlepší variantou, jelikož online reklama jich nabízí hned desítky. Pokud potřebujete zvýšit spíše povědomí o vašem projektu, službách a produktu v online prostředí, jste tady také správně.

I manage campaigns on social medias and in PPC

Going for results

I dive right into it, I shoot on target and I am reliable.

I play fair and square.

I describe things how they really are. This is good for your business.

Strategy and consultation

I will give you advice on where to push hard and where to take a detour instead.

PPC Advertising

Immediate sales with PPC advertising.

Just like in sports, I work on myself as well as on your projects.

Sports taught me diligence and consistency. I will put all of my knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to fulfill your goals on social media and PPC.

Díky sociálním sítím a PPC reklamě budete schopni docílit vašich výsledků. Jsem konzultant a specialista sociálních sítí a PPC reklamy. Pomohu vám s vaším projektem ať už se jedná o reklamu na Facebooku, Instagramu, TikToku, LinkedInu nebo v Google Ads a v Skliku.

Numbers that I am proud of

of marketing practice
0 years
budgets entrusted from clients
0 - figure
successfully completed projects
0 +

Clients I have helped with online advertising

Clients that trust me

I worked with Tom at the agency for many years. When I was looking for someone to manage our performance campaigns on Facebook and LinkedIn at Feedyou, Tom was the obvious choice. Not only does he help us consult on possible approaches and solutions, but we essentially have a turnkey service. Since he has taken over our campaigns, performance has gone up dramatically. I can only recommend Tom, there are not many similar experts on the Czech market.
František Procházka, Praha
Chief Product & Marketing Officer, Feedyou
We addressed Mr. Cernovsky based on references to help us with campaign setup on social networks and Google Ads for our new project. We really appreciate straightforward approach and searching for innovative solutions. We value him especially for regular and thorough reports of campaign results, adhering to the deadlines, professional approach and help with planning of other strategies. We are glad that we found a reliable person, who we can count on.
Veronika Svobodová
Marketingová koordinátorka,, (Onlineroušky, Ecorevolution)